~ Submit Research List Info ~


Submitting Your Messages to the Oil Exchange Research List:

The Elements of Research

This research is an investigation into the use and effect of essential oils. Step into this investigation with a clear mind, eliminating the bias of what other people have said and written, clearly reporting your research. Then please provide the following information when preparing your list message:

Subject: The title of your message to the list.

Who: The name and email address of the person doing the research and/or the name of the person using the essential oil. We will accept messages where names remain anonymous.

What: What is the essential oil that you are testing and researching? (Please use the name of plant or oil; not the company name or product name). Provide links to text, book titles and other related or lengthy information.

Why: State your topic or question. What are the conditions and concerns that led you to do this research?

How: The method, application and use of essential oils and the details of the experience.

Findings: What you found and your conclusions. Follow-up comments.


Send your list message to:


About The Oil Exchange Research List:

The Oil Exchange Research list is a moderated announcement list. When you join you will receive messages from this list, however the messages sent to the list will be moderated, edited and approved by The Oil Exchange before they are post to the list. Only minor format editing will be done. The Oil Exchange reserves the right to make decisions determining which messages will be approved.

After the message is received, moderated and approved it will be sent to the yahoogroups list which in turn sends it out to all the members of The Oil Exchange list. At that time a copy of the message also goes to the list archive.

The messages approved for the list are primarily the messages about the use of essential oils. There may be aromatherapy, herb and directly related plant information included.

Thank you for sharing your research.

Thank You!

If you want to thank someone for the information they've shared on the list,
please send them thanks in a private e-mail.

Please be sure that you are subscribed to
the Oil Exchange Research List
to have easy access to the research findings that are shared there.

The research information that you send to The Oil Exchange List
will be shared as educational information and is accessible at the archive.

The Oil Exchange welcomes your comments and suggestions .

EMAIL: unity@negia.net

If you have a medical condition please seek professional medical advice.

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