~ Research - a Search for Truth ~

Is the answer to the state of health and well being that you're looking for an absolute that never changes? Does absolute apply to what you know or to everyone? Is the condition of the body flawed? Is there one way, one element or ingredient or one oil that will give you what you want and how will you find it; and how will you know it when you find it? What are the assumptions you've made before you begin and where do you go from here? There are many questions you may ask yourself before you begin your research.

Has your best intention become muddied by your beliefs? Your beliefs bias your research. They will have you going down one path over another and picking one path when the other goes unexplored. Yet the answer may remain elusive in a place that's unseen.

Research can be a never-ending exploration with new information always updating the information we had before. When our research matches something we knew to be true from before; then we accept we've come to a conclusion, we accept the findings and cast them in stone, as the truth, or our truth, and hold onto them until they're disproven. Then the research begins anew.

That's what research is about, finding an unbiased conclusion to your question. You can take the many steps of traditional research to help bring you to a conclusion. However, after you've gone through it all you still might not get to the point of a useful conclusion that you can trust; but if this is the mode that works best for you - by all means use it.

The problem is that there are factors that make the information your researching less valuable; e.g.:

it may be old or inaccurate information

it may be data in such large quantities that it's hard to define what's true and that may be very time consuming

it may be biased information offered by a supplier or salesperson

it may be offered or gathered with an intention different than yours and it may be limiting because of that bias

it may be very technical information with data difficult to comprehend

it may be that even the best information you can find just doesn't match or come close to your criteria.

Still, research is a useful tool because of the underlying intention to find the truth.

You may say that if the facts prove out, that's all you need, you have your conclusion. Yet in nature there are no two things that are exactly alike. So that proof you find in your research is not your proof, it's their proof, the information they provide is all about them - although it may be an interesting clue for you. But, that's all that it is - a clue!

The researcher might like a good mystery and have a good time in the adventure. But collecting more and more clues doesn't equal a conclusion. Someone else's clues will only bring someone else's conclusion with their limits and bias intact. Lots of clues doesn't make a complete equation; but if that works for you and you can clarify the hidden agendas or reach a conclusion that works for you - by all means, use it!

Until we know more, we do rely on others and others information and that's an important part of the process of personal growth. When we're ready for more it comes to us in some way but we need to remain aware and open to recognize the opportunities.

In the past sacred ceremony oil was used to anoint the body to illuminate and increase the vibrational energy as a ritual of purification. However, lately the sacred traditions and spiritual aspects of purification has been ignored - we just want the answers. We have lots of clues but we want answers and we want them now! We may look for purity in the plant, the environment it grew in, etc.; however, we often ignore our own thought processes which aligns us to seek that highest state of purification within ourselves. We may forget about the state of consciousness that is in harmony to allow illumination and purification within us.

Consider, how does the regard of nature and the ways essential oils were used at times before match with our personal research projects, where we've given our power away to someone who has claimed a position of authority to display or offer information in a certain format - to make it true.

This has gone on for some time, where we've given attention to their truth and forgotten our own. Perhaps we were caught unawares. This is another time. We have an opportunity here to open our eyes to new awarenesses or look the other way.


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